Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am number 4 is a stylish film(アイアムナンバー4)はクールな最新作か!?


Short plot
I Am Number Four follows the story of John Smith, a 15-year old alien from the planet Lorien, and his guardian, Henri, as they run from the Mogadorians, another race of aliens that are hunting down John and the eight other teenage Loriens, who all make up the Garde,

living on Earth. The Garde consists of all Loriens who have special legacies and powers. The teenagers are protected by a charm, which only allows them to be killed in a set order.

John is Number Four.
The book opens with the death of Number Three. Number Four is introduced, going by the name of Daniel Jones, as he leaves Florida. Four has three circular scars wrapped around his right ankle, signifying the deaths of Numbers One, Two, and Three. These scars are present on all the Lorien teenagers, and with each death, another scar appears.

Henri, Four's Cêpan (guardian), tells him they are going to Paradise, Ohio. Four is given the name John Smith as his new alias.
Tired of running, John says that he wants to begin to make a life for himself. Henri reminds him why they run, and the conversation ends. John begins to attend the local high school, where he meets Sarah Hart, a blonde junior. He also meets her ex-boyfriend Mark James, who immediately begins to pick on John. John stands up to him, the first time he has ever stood up to anybody.

pick on からかう いじめる
stand up to 抵抗する、立ち上がる 耐える

various views after watching it:
More geared towards teens than adults,still a thrilling ride for adults, though.(ティーン向き、アダルトもスリルを感じられるけれどね)

The story itself is good, but the acting and directing are all mediocre(凡庸)

I cant wait to see the sequal(続きが観たくてたまらない) if they make one

Showed promise but went downhill quickly(期待させたが、すぐ下り坂の展開)

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Notorious(汚名): Alfred Hitchcock Film 圧倒的なイングリッドバーグマンの存在感 (ingrid bergman)


Most of Transcript above

I'm sorry to intrude
on this tender scene.

I knew her before you did love to
before you did.
But I wasn't as lucky as you.

I'll take care of her damage myself.

No. Not that way.
I stood looking at her
when she was asleep.

I could have...
Quiet, Alex!

You're almost as impetuous(衝動的)
as before your wedding.

You barred (追い出す)me from that episode.

Let me arrange this one.

what's wrong with you?

I'm so glad you came.

I had to.
I couldn't stand any more...

waiting and worrying about you.

That wasn't a hangover
you had that day.

You were sick then.
What is it?

Yes, I was sick.

What's wrong with you, Alicia?

Oh, Dev.
What is it, dear?
What's wrong with you?

They're poisoning me.

Short plot

Alicia Huberman (Ingrid Bergman), the American daughter of a convicted(有罪の) Nazi spy, is recruited by government agent T. R. Devlin (Cary Grant) to infiltrate(侵入) an organization of Nazis who have relocated to Brazil after World War II.
While awaiting the details of her assignment in Rio de Janeiro, they fall in love, though his feelings are complicated by his knowledge of her wild past. When Devlin is ordered to persuade her to seduce Alex Sebastian (Claude Rains), one of her father's friends and a leading member of the group, Devlin tries to convince his superiors that Alicia is not fit for the job, without success. He puts up a stoic (平然)front when he informs Alicia about the mission, choosing duty over love. Alicia concludes that he was merely pretending to love her as part of his job.
They contrive(たくらむ) to have her meet Sebastian and renew their acquaintance. At a dinner, Alicia witnesses an odd incident; a guest becomes hysterical at the sight of several wine bottles on a sideboard and is ushered quickly from the room.
Sebastian quickly renews his ardor (
熱意)for her, and soon Alica reports to Devlin, "you can add Sebastian's name to my list of playmates." When Sebastian proposes, Alicia informs Devlin, hoping he will finally erupt(
爆発), but the agent coldly tells her to do whatever she wants; stung, she marries Sebastian.
When she returns from her honeymoon, Alicia is hard-pressed to find anything amiss in her new home; the only thing she can relate to Devlin is that the key ring her husband gave her is short a key, the one to the wine cellar. That and the bottle episode at the dinner lead Devlin to urge Alicia to hold a grand party. The night of the affair, Alicia secretly steals the key from Sebastian’s ring, and the two slip away to the cellar. By chance, Devlin accidentally breaks a bottle. Inside they find not wine, but a black sand (which later analysis shows to be uranium). He takes a sample, cleans up, and locks the door just as Sebastian comes down for more champagne. Alicia and Devlin kiss to cover their tracks. Devlin feigns drunkenness and makes an exit, but Sebastian remains suspicious. When he comes back later, he finds glass and sand pushed under a rack.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

ヒッチコック(Hitchcock)はやはり天才か?映画裏窓(rear window)ではグレースケリーの美が炸裂

The below is some translation of the trailer :

I can smell trouble right here in this apartment.
First you smash your leg,
Then you get to looking out the window,
See things you shouldn't see.

something big going on somewhere?
It's a big night.
It's just an old run-of-the-mill(ありふれた、いつもと変わらない) Wednesday.
It's opening night of the last depressing week of L B Jefferies in a cast(ギブス).

I just can't figure it.
He went out several times last night in the rain,
- Carrying his sample case. - Well, he's a salesman, isn't he?
It's not an ordinary look.

It's the kind of look a man gives when he's afraid somebody
might be watching him
There's nothing to see.
There is . I've seen things through that window.
I've seen bickering口論)and family quarrels
And mysterious trips at night
And knives and saws and rope.

That's a secret, private world you're looking into out there
People do a lot of things in private they couldn't possibly explain in public.

Let's start from the beginning again, Jeff.
Tell me everything you saw

there's pretty private stuff going on there.

Brief plot:

After breaking his leg during a dangerous assignment, professional photographer L. B. "Jeff" Jeffries

is confined in his Greenwich Village apartment, using a wheelchair while he recuperates. His rear

window looks out onto a small courtyard and several other apartments. During a summer heat wave,

he passes the time by watching his neighbors, who keep their windows open to stay cool. The tenants

he can see include a dancer, a lonely woman he nicknames "Miss Lonelyheart", a songwriter, several

married couples, and Lars Thorwald, a salesman with a bedridden wife.
After Thorwald makes repeated late-night trips carrying a large case, Jeff notices that Thorwald's

wife is gone and sees Thorwald cleaning a large knife and handsaw. Later, Thorwald ties a large

packing crate with heavy rope and has moving men haul it away. Jeff discusses these observations

with his wealthy girlfriend Lisa and his home-care nurse Stella , then explains to his friend Tom

Doyle , a local police detective, that they believe Thorwald murdered his wife. Doyle looks into the

situation but finds nothing suspicious.Soon after, a neighbor's dog is found dead with its neck broken.

When a woman sees the dog and screams, the neighbors all rush to their windows to see what has

happened, except for Thorwald, whose cigar can be seen glowing as he sits in his dark apartment.

Convinced that Thorwald is guilty after all, Jeff has Lisa slip an accusatory(告訴、非難) note under Thorwald's

door so Jeff can watch his reaction when he reads it. Then, as a pretext(口実)to get Thorwald away from

his apartment, Jeff telephones him and arranges a meeting at a bar. He thinks Thorwald may have

buried something in the courtyard flower patch and then killed the dog to keep it from digging it up.

When Thorwald leaves, Lisa and Stella dig up the flowers but find nothing.

Grace Kelly is one of the most admired women in the world. Even today, she is upheld as a standard of beauty, grace, and style. Her talent and persona influenced the great motion picture director Alfred Hitchcock so strongly that he attempted to make other actresses into her image, without success.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

映画「詐欺師達(The grifters)」で演じるジョン・キューザック(John Cusack)はクールだ!

The grifters trailer

Movie review

For a movielover, it rarely gets better than this. This movie is fast-moving, funny, intense, shocking and ultimately very satisfying. Most of it is so beautifully photographed that it looks like a series of postcards at times.

The acting is the best thing about the movie - the three leads are perfection and I also appreciated the character actors aboard - Frances Bay, Henry Jones, J.T. Walsh, and the great Pat Hingle. All in all, see the movie, but not with your mom and not with a drink!
This is just such a good movie.

John Cusack really comes into his own. Angelica Huston reminds us how good she can be when she tries. Especially check out her tangible fear and dread in the famous scene in the bosses office, with the cigar.

And Annette Bening is just hot . she is so damn sexy in this movie and she looks so good naked. At the same time,

she plays mischevious, sad, scared, angry, and evil with equal ability.


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Thursday, July 7, 2011

ジュリアロバーツ(Julia Fiona Roberts)が好演した映画エリンブロコビッチ(Erin Brockovich)で英語を楽しむ

This film is based on the true story of a woman named Erin Brockovich, who together with Ed Masry uncovered a major cover up of a health hazard resulting in one of the largest settlements in history. This film is extremely well done, dividing its time between Erin the worker, Erin the single-mom trying her best to raise her three kids, and Erin the human being.
Roberts received countless amounts of praise for her performance including a much deserved Oscar.
Academy Award nominations for Supporting Actor, Screenplay, Director and Best Picture speak for themselves in declaring just how impressive this film really is.

Transcript of the above scene


How's it going?

You never called me back.
I left messages.

You did? well I didn't know that.
Donald seems to think that you said--

There's two things that aggravate me mr masry.
being ignored and being lied to.

-I never lied.
-You told me things'd be fine.

They're not. I trusted you.

-I'm sorry about that,really,am,
-I don't need pity.

I need a paycheck.
And I've looked.

but When you spent the past six years raising babies,
it's real hard to get a job that pays worth a damn.

Are you getting every word of this down, honey?
Or am I talking too fast for you?

I am sorry about that, but really am .

But we have a full staff right now so--

Bullshit. If you had a full staff,
Office'd return a client's damn phones calls.

now I'm smart and hard-working.and I will do anything,
I'm not leaving here without a job.

Don't make me beg.

If it doesn't work out, fire me.

Don't make me beg.

No benefits.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

classic movie で面白い映画(Lady eve)を発見。

I enjoyed this movie.I have been looking for the classic movie that makes me feel entertained.This is one of the recommended.
The below is the transcript of the above cool scene.
Especially Barbara Stanwyck is impressive. She is adorable.

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- This is quite a cabin.
- Pretty cozy, isn't it?

{ Sniffing]

- Holy Moses!
- What's the matter?

- That perfume.
- What's the matter with it?

It's just that I've been up the Amazon
for a year, and they don't use perfume.

Oh. The shoes are over here.

Because you were so polite, you can pick
them out and put them on if you like.

Push that side. There.

- Holy Moses!
- See anything you like?

- The evening slippers are over there.
- { Chuckles]

Those the ones you want?

Doesn't seem possible
for anybody to wear anything that size.

Oh, that's pretty.

You'll have to kneel down.

- I hope I didn't hurt you.
- Of course you didn't.

Don't you feel well?

Oh, I'm all right.

- What were you doing up the Amazon?
- Looking for snakes.

- I'm an ophiologist.
- I thought you were
in the beer business.

- Beer? Ale!
- What's the difference?

- Between beer and ale?
- Yes.

My father'd burst a blood vessel
if he heard you say that.

There's a big difference. Ale's sort
of fermented on the top or something.

And beer's fermented on the bottom.
Or maybe it's the other way around.

There's no similarity at all.

The trouble with being
descended from a brewer,

no matter how long ago he "brewed-ed"
or whatever you call it,

you're supposed to know all about
something you don't give a hoot about.

It's funny to be kneeling here
at your feet talking about beer.

You see, I don't like beer.
Bock beer, lager beer or steam beer.

- Don't you?
- I do not!

And I don't like pale ale, brown ale,
nut brown ale, porter or stout,

which makes me "ulp"
just to think about it.

Excuse me.

Wasn't enough, so everybody would
call me Hopsie ever since I was six years old.

- Hopsie Pike.
- Hello, Hopsie.

- Make it, Charlie, will you?
- { Laughing]

All right, but there's something
kinda cute about Hopsie.

And when you get older,
I could call you Popsie. Hopsie Popsie.

- That's all I'd need.
- { Laughs]

Here's a business I wouldn't mind.
I never realized how lovely it could be.

Oh, thank you.

We'd better get back now.

Yes, I guess so.

You see, where I've been... I mean,
up the Amazon, you kind of forget how...

I mean, when you haven't seen
a girl in a long time...

I mean, uh, there's something
about that perfume that...

- Don't you like my perfume?
- Like it? I'm cockeyed on it.

Why, Hopsie, you ought
to be kept in a cage.

In 1994, This movie The Lady Eve was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."