It was very sad that it took the world so long to finally release this film from its banned state.It is no wonder why this extraordinary film was selected to the National Film Registry's archive of cinematic treasures.
This film was a huge success at it's initial screening in San Diego, but the movie was so unusual for its time (instead of fictional monsters the film was filled with real-life human oddities) that many found it squeamish and frightening and the studio pulled the film and had it re-edited. The movie found some critical success and was very popular in some cities, but overall the film was critically panned(批評家にこき下ろされる). Critics and many viewers found the sideshow setting of the film, with Siamese twins, armless women, pinheads(頭が異常に小さい人), bearded ladies, dwarves, and a limbless man to be just too unnatural. It was banned in many cities across the U.S. as well as in Britain and Australia and MGM pulled the film from circulation. Fueled by a spirit of rebellion, the movie had a renaissance in the 1960s which continued for over thirty years until the film being added to the National Film Registry by the National Film Preservation Board in 1994. At the time of its initial release, many people found FREAKS horrifying because of the human oddities. Some would argue that we are now too desensitized(鈍感) by all the graphic and horrifying things we've been exposed to over the past two generations to find the film as frightening as it once must have seen. I would like to think it's more because we've become more sensitive and compassionate about all people (of course, a movie like FREAKS would never get made today). Whatever the case, the unusual people in FREAKS aren't disturbing and shocking. With our modern lens, audiences can see beyond the "freaks" and see them as the people they really were (as they movie says, "They are all God's children) and see the movie for the excellent film it is.
Freaks is rated ★★★★★
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