Friday, January 6, 2012

フェデリコ・フェリーニ(Federico Fellini)Otto e mezzo(8 1/2)

Fellini himself said that ,if he had to chose, this would be his best work. Why would he make such a statement?
This is, of course, a film that Fellini made about himself, is his auto-biography at that point of his life. And is a film that everything seems to work correctly: the music, photography, acting and direction of course. In a nutshell, a film that some may not like but can't say anything consistently negative against.The acting is terrific; especially Marcello Mastroianni whose air of detachment(超然、孤立) fit the movie so well. The photography was excellent, as well. The story is one of a director who has lost his own direction. As he stumbles aimlessly along supposedly putting together a film, his inteactions with others and his reminiscences (回想)give us an insight to his confusion. His world is overwhelming him and he can't figure out where to turn.

8 1/2 is rated ★★★★★

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