Short plot
I Am Number Four follows the story of John Smith, a 15-year old alien from the planet Lorien, and his guardian, Henri, as they run from the Mogadorians, another race of aliens that are hunting down John and the eight other teenage Loriens, who all make up the Garde,
living on Earth. The Garde consists of all Loriens who have special legacies and powers. The teenagers are protected by a charm, which only allows them to be killed in a set order.
John is Number Four.
The book opens with the death of Number Three. Number Four is introduced, going by the name of Daniel Jones, as he leaves Florida. Four has three circular scars wrapped around his right ankle, signifying the deaths of Numbers One, Two, and Three. These scars are present on all the Lorien teenagers, and with each death, another scar appears.
Henri, Four's Cêpan (guardian), tells him they are going to Paradise, Ohio. Four is given the name John Smith as his new alias.
Tired of running, John says that he wants to begin to make a life for himself. Henri reminds him why they run, and the conversation ends. John begins to attend the local high school, where he meets Sarah Hart, a blonde junior. He also meets her ex-boyfriend Mark James, who immediately begins to pick on John. John stands up to him, the first time he has ever stood up to anybody.
pick on からかう いじめる
stand up to 抵抗する、立ち上がる 耐える
various views after watching it:
More geared towards teens than adults,still a thrilling ride for adults, though.(ティーン向き、アダルトもスリルを感じられるけれどね)
The story itself is good, but the acting and directing are all mediocre(凡庸)
I cant wait to see the sequal(続きが観たくてたまらない) if they make one
Showed promise but went downhill quickly(期待させたが、すぐ下り坂の展開)
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