Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I watched 110movies for 3 month(1~3月で映画110本見れました)

The total number of movies I watched for these 3 months in 2012 is 110movies.
They include rewatched ones,firsttime watched ones,DVD,theaters,on lines etc.
 The below ★★★★★ marked movies for this January(out of 37 films watched)
 ■8 1/2
 ■My Darling Clementine(荒野の決闘)
 ■The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
 ■New Cinema Paradiso(ニューシネマパラダイス)
 ■Sullivans travels(サリバンの旅)
■A night at the opera(マルクス兄弟オペラは踊る) 
■The house is black(あの家は黒い)

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