It's quite impressive to see how little kids pay respect to their seniors, what moral values they have, and their tender care for their parents' economic status and daily struggle is particularly moving. More than anything, it is their own sibling (兄弟、姉妹)relationship which tugs at the heartstrings. Majidi's portrayal of the neighbourhood, the school where the kids study, and their own home, is most lifelike and authentic(本当). Without a doubt, the script is the film's main winner, but the casting is one of the film's biggest strengths. Amir Farrokh Hashemian and Bahare Seddiqi are astonishing in their roles - charming, convincing, heartbreaking and totally relatable. You really feel for these kids and really want to settle their problems so that they can move on. This film is a true example of superb acting by child artists, and it shows how far they can go in their ability to explore the innocent spirit of childhood. Bacheha-Ye Aseman is a wonderful cinematic experience, which must not be missed by anyone. Just go and grab your seat, I assure it will keep you at the edge of it for one hour and a half and will be engraved in your heart long afterwards.My most favorite scene for this movie is the marathon scene. The fact that Ali had to beg and cried to get a place in the running team was heart wrenching, and when the camera focused on Ali running.
The film industry in Iran is very different from the industry in America. In this film, you will not find any special effects, marketing tactics, or expensive sets. The movie is told in a very simple real fashion using camera work, acting, and real life streets and scenery, giving the film a realistic documentary feel. This characteristic of Iranian film draws us in to the story and gives us the ability to relate closely with the children in a way American films does not. The approach gives the film an honest character and believable reality. This subtitled film humanizes Iran for the American viewer. You realize that people are people no mater where they live, all have the same feelings and emotions. Ali The story is told through the children and their experiences. Children of Heaven takes you into the hearts and lives of a young boy, Ali (played by Amir Farrokh Hashemian), and his sister, Zhara (played by Bahare Sediqi), capturing the life of a family living in poverty in Iran. After watching this movie, seeing a story where a pair of lost shoes can be so important, you realize that we are very lucky to live in a time and country where most people never go without such basic items as shoes. This film shows us a place where people may not have much, but they have what they need most of all, each other. The family bond is strong, that can often be lost in the fast paced and transient society that America tends to be. The surface theme of Children of Heaven is about Ali losing his younger sister, Zahra's, shoes and trying to make things right without the help of his parents. The family is extremely poor and Ali knows that his father is not in any position to buy another pair of shoes for Zahra. When looking further into this theme, I am amazed at the cultural differences in Middle Eastern and American lifestyles. I have no doubt that there are families in America facing extreme economic hardships that experience some of the sacrifices shown in this film. However, the United States is overall very materialistic and it is not often that we are exposed to families, especially children that are willing to make the sacrifices that the characters of this film made. Ali wanted to take direct responsibility for his sister and felt genuine remorse(自責の念) for the loss of her shoes. In most American films, the audience would be turned off by the main character, especially a boy, crying so often throughout the movie. In this case, Ali's love for his family is prevalent throughout the film and his strong emotions come across very heartfelt and sincere.Commenting this movie is total useless.
Because it holds so much beauty in it's simplicity.
The plot is simple, the actings, the casts, the musics, the cinematography, the arts.And yet it hold us dearly. Bring us to the daunting passion of love and pain, laugh and tears.
As the movie ends, we left with a simple thought in our minds, a simple teaching of love. Simple love and simply love.One of the best family movie for every occasion.Both child actors put on amazing performances, and the story comes to life through their strife. This touching narrative displays some ups and downs, but the fire within Ali drives everything. I watched and hoped for the best, and the ending is simply beautiful. Get into Iranian cinema and give this foreign piece of work a shot.
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