Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Marlene Dietrich(マレーネ・ディートリッヒ)初出演映画The Blue Angel(嘆きの天使)

Dietrich remained popular throughout her long career by continually re-inventing herself, professionally and characteristically. In the Berlin of the 1920s, she acted on the stage and in silent films. Her performance as Lola-Lola in The Blue Angel, directed by Josef von Sternberg, brought her international fame and provided her a contract with Paramount Pictures in the US. Hollywood films such as Shanghai Express and Desire capitalised on her glamour and exotic looks, cementing her stardom and making her one of the highest paid actresses of the era. Dietrich became a US citizen in 1937, and throughout World War II she was a high-profile frontline entertainer. Although she still made occasional films in the post-war years, Dietrich spent most of the 1950s to the 1970s touring the world as a successful show performer.
In 1999, the American Film Institute named Dietrich the ninth greatest female star of all time.

A stunning film made famous by Marlene Dietrich but carried largely by the fantastic performance of Emil Jennings. The stodgy(四角四面) professor gives up everything to be with his blue angel and pays the ultimate price for it. This is a story of the road to ruin as seen through a travelling cabaret.Dietrich is really not too impressive (she is even a bit pudgy(丸々とした) here until she sings. When she arches her back, raises her leg, and languidly croons(物憂げにささやくように優しく歌う) her little song about being helpless to resist lovers, she becomes an international star. She is in total command of the camera and herself(指揮をとる). It is a snapshot of a self-satisfied whore(娼婦), indifferent to what the world thinks or does around her. From a well-dressed, punctual and rigidly authoritarian teacher, he becomes late, poorly dressed, embarassing to himself and others, and in sore need of a shave. When he realizes how he has lost himself through his love of Lola Lola, it is too late.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

一幅の絵画の様な、The Spirit of the Beehive(ミツバチのささやき)

Six-year-old Ana is a shy girl who lives in the manor house(領主邸) in an isolated Spanish village on the Castille plateau with her parents Fernando and Teresa and her older sister, Isabel. The year is 1940, and the civil war has just ended with the Francoist victory over the Republic. Her aging father spends most of his time absorbed in tending to and writing about his beehives; her much younger mother is caught up in daydreams about a distant lover, to whom she writes letters. The entire family is never seen together in a single shot. Ana's closest companion is Isabel, who loves her but cannot resist playing on her little sister's gullibility(だまされやすいこと).At the beginning of the film, a mobile cinema brings Frankenstein to the village and the two sisters go to see it. Ana finds the film more interesting than frightening, particularly the scene where the monster plays benignly with a little girl, then accidentally kills her. She asks her sister, "Why did he kill the girl, and why did they kill him after that?" Isabel tells her that the monster didn't kill the girl and isn't really dead; she says that everything in films is fake. Isabel says the monster is like a spirit, and Ana can talk to him if she closes her eyes and calls him: "It's me, Ana".

It is said that Ana was traumatized by viewing the Frankenstein movie and by her sister's horrid joke, and then by the blood she sees in the old building by the well where the fugitive had rested. But I think it would be better to say that Ana was challenged by new-found knowledge of the ever close proximity of death, and in reaction she ran away into her own world to find an answer. Notice how the scene from James Wales' Frankenstein in which the monster kneels beside the water with the little girl is repeated in Ana's fantasy, and how she looks at the monster with big, wide-open, questioning, waiting eyes. What is life, and what is death?
Some films are just so amazing that one cannot put into words just how truly remarkable the film really is. `El Espiritu de la Colmena' is one of those films. There are few words spoken throughout the film, but the rich imagery and the delicate handling of the childlike revelations are so full of life and meaning that words become obsolete

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Charlie Chaplin「The Gold Rush(黄金狂時代)」

The Tramp (Charlie Chaplin) travels to the Yukon to take part in the Klondike Gold Rush. Bad weather strands him in a remote cabin with a prospector(探鉱者) who has found a large gold deposit (Mack Swain) and an escaped fugitive (Tom Murray), after which they part ways(進路を違える), with the prospector and the fugitive fighting over the prospector's claim, ending with the prospector receiving a blow to the head and the fugitive falling off a cliff to his death. The Tramp eventually finds himself in a gold rush town where he ultimately decides to give up prospecting.
After taking a job looking after another prospector's cabin, he falls in love with a lonely saloon girl (Georgia Hale) whom he mistakenly thinks has fallen in love with him. He soon finds himself waylaid(待ち伏せ、呼び止め) by the prospector he met earlier, who has developed amnesia(記憶喪失) and needs the Tramp to help him find his claim by leading him to the cabin.
One sequence was altered in the 1942 re-release so that instead of the Tramp finding a note from Georgia which he mistakenly believes is for him, he actually receives the note from her. Another major alteration is the ending, in which the now-wealthy Tramp originally gave Georgia a lingering kiss; the sound version ends before this scene. Now, they share a romantic moment by the old house.

The greatest silent films had no need to add music or narration to hold an imaginative viewer's attention. The concentration required to watch a silent film has, of course, been lost to audiences accustomed to the naturalism - and literalism - of sound films.
The most memorable scene is one in which he dines on an old shoe... he carves(肉の切り分け) it carefully, smacks(舌なめずり) his lips in anticipation, and then eats it with gusto and appreciation, sucking the nails as if they contained the most juices and twirling(回す) the laces around his fork as if they were spaghetti...

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

listed movie , Battleship Potemkin(戦艦ポチョムキン)

This movie has influenced countless future films.
Some of the depictions of brutality on the ship being borrowed for Gable's "The Mutiny(反乱) on the Bounty" and the baby pram(乳母車) on the Odessa Steps being borrowed for Costner's "Untouchables" .Odessa Steps sequence is cinema folklore, but the death of the mutineer leader and the vision of the hung men(つるされた) are equally unforgettable.
The fade ins and fade outs that show the crowds gathering on the steps as a way to speed up the action as well as the many facial close-ups of the sailors and the victims.
This film was first released for the public in 1967 in Japan,
Screening this film was banned by the government censorship before the war in Japan,

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Friday, November 18, 2011

1001movies you must see,ルイス・ブニュエル(Luis Buñuel)、サルバドール・ダリ(Salvador Dalí)Un Chien Andalou(アンダルシアの犬)

This movie is full of odd images. Ants were crawling out of what lookes to be a hole in a man's hand.A man was removing his hand from his mouth to reveal the he has no mouth.A woman is appeared with her hair growing from her armpit. All of these images are shown in a film with no apparent story lines.
Bunuel said"nothing in this film symbolizes anything.
"Un Chien Andalou" is instead meant to be some sort of dream experience, a nightmare or collection of dream sequences made on film. And the result is brilliant because here Bunuel displays that dreams truly can make it into cinema, no matter how shocking or disturbing.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

バスターキートン Buster keaton 「Seven chances」

Financial broker Jimmie Shannon is nearly bankrupt when an attorney presents grandfather's will leaving him seven million dollars. In order to inherit the money Jimmie must marry before 7 pm on his 27th birthday - today!
Buster Keaton didn't really like to make SEVEN CHANCES, but since the film rights to the play were purchased for him by his manager/brother-in-law, he had little choice. Nevertheless, Keaton and his team put their considerable talents to work to make a very funny picture.
This film shows how funny and downright amazing Keaton could be.It worth its five star ratings.I had to laugh out loud often!

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

1001movies you must see before you die Jacob's Ladder(ジェイコブス・ラダー)

As Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins) is wounded in Vietnam in the very first part of the film, we are taken to a New York subway, where he suddenly awakens from a dream of the war. From there, the movie grabs you and won't let go. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Considering what this film protagonist, Jacob Singer experiences, it is very horrifying,but this is not a horror one in the strictest sense.Psychological thriller is too mild a term for this movie. Even though it has many dark aspects, this is not actually a dark film, on the contrary,the balance was well maintained, and it resolves itself in the end.

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Best1001 movies 「The Lives of Others(善き人のためのソナタ)

This filme won the Best Foreign Language Movie in 2007 Academy Awards and totally deserves this.If you prefer a fast paced film , and great special effects, then this is not the film for you.In case you would prefer to watch a great story unfold,this one is highly recommended.What is great is that it does not have that Hollywood-entertainment feeling that currently dominates.
A police spy is assigned to monitor a renowned author and playwright suspected of spreading heretical(異説を唱える) pamphlets objecting to the limitations on rights and freedoms in partitioned Eastern Germany. In the process of monitoring the author's conversations and visits, the spy is increasingly troubled by the integrity, nobility, and humanity of the person he is assigned to convict(有罪).
The Lives of Others illustrates the pull of a guileless(実直な), hopeful idealism on a simple civil servant and gives us a touching and bittersweet definition of what it means to be human. In the midst of intense injustice, misery and grief of partitioned Eastern Germany, it is a story of humanity, trust, and gratitude.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1001 Movies You Must See ! Let the right one in

This beautiful film balances brief moments of horror with a genuinely touching story about first love and coming of age.The simple, unobtrusive(控えめ) camera work captures the stark(ありのままの、荒涼とした) beauty of the snow covered setting. White is the dominant colour in this film and it is used incredibly effectively to create the sense of purity and childhood innocence. So effective in it's simple delivery, but still deep meaningful and touching. Fantastic film that left me speechless in delight and awe of the beautiful love and darkness of the story, yet uplifting ending and the brilliant performances of the two leading stars.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The best 1001 movies Ben-Hur(ベンハー)

There were 11 Oscars won in all - still the most ever, sharing honors with Titanic (1997) and The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003). The other Oscars won by Ben-Hur were Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography for a Color Film, Best Art Direction-Set Direction for a Color Film, Best Costume Design for a Color Film, Best Effects-Special Effects, Best Film Editing, Best Music-Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture, and Best Sound. The only one it was nominated for that it didn't win was Best Writing-Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium
It has been estimated that to reproduce Ben-Hur as it was produced in 1959, it would cost over a quarter of a billion dollars. That just isn't going to happen. And CGI won't cut it. You can't reproduce a live chariot race like the one in Ben-Hur in CGI and catch anyone's breath. So, this is a classic that will live as long as films are made. And, in my opinion, beyond that.Ben-Hur is a film which still somewhat defies television in all its formats - the cinema is really the place to see this, the bigger the screen, the better. The rowing scene and the chariot race were edited almost flawlessly. And the other aspects were awesome too.This film has conflict, tragedy, victory, revenge, humour, belief, love and more in it. All of these made up the immortal masterpiece.At the time, this was the biggest and most expensive film ever made, with thousands of actors, massive scale replicas of roman colleseums and triremes, and beautiful costumes and art. The movie itself is rather long, but the plot and dialog is nice and thick throughout and will keep the audiance entertained. This film is noteworthy for saving MGM studios from bankruptcy and for catapulting Charleton Heston to stardom.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

1001 Movies You Must See ! Heartfelt Movie, My left foot(マイレフトフット).

This film truely pulls at the heartstrings.It gets me whenever I watch
it.I am sure it will send chills up your spine,lifting your soul.Daniel Day Lewis performance is a stunning one.He is extraordinaly in this role.He conveys a warmth, humor, and human intensity that avoids cloying sentimentality.Also, remarkable is his mother,who never gave up faith in him.This film is listed in the 1001 movies.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hyperkinetic action , 3 endings ,German movie Run Lola run(ラン ローラ ラン」

This plotline is so simple,shockingly flame haired lora has only 20 minutes to save her boyfriends life who has left 100,000 Marks on the subway. She has to acqire that amount of money, otherwise,the gangsters would surely kill him. The story is told 3 different ways with 3 different outcomes. Mixing animation, trip-hop/techno music, and fast-paced action/editing, you have a terrific movie with gritty, realistic characters and action that won't stop!It also leaves you thinking - about fate, luck, and even love.
this film is listed on 1001 movies.

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