Tuesday, January 31, 2012



To be honest,this film is not scary, spooky(不気味), eerie(薄気味悪い), has no suspense. Dracula is not so scary.What dissapointed me most was its ending. I rather love other classic monster films such as Frankenstein and The Wolf Man.If you want to feel scary,see Nosferatu (1922). That film has style, substance. But Lugosi was simply born for the role.I recommend you to see his career in the film 「Ed Wood」.

Dracula(1931) is rated ★★★

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Sunday, January 29, 2012


Frankenstein trailer
Please turn down the volume as the lady screaming is involved(chuckles)

No horror films would be perfect without this movie. It was one of the first and is still one of the best ever made. The film that made Boris Karloff. Jack Pierce provides the best make-up since Chaney's Phantom of the Opera.This is, without question, the definitive gothic horror classic that defined the standard
Although many people may argue that The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) was a better one, I think Frankenstein is the best monster movie ever made.This movie has lightning, atmosphere, plot, and character. James Whale directed this film and did a awesome job with it. It is pretty scary too. The scene where Frankenstein throws Little Maria into the water and drowns her is a touching scene, because you really don't know who you want to feel sorry for more... Sure Maria is a little girl and drowned, but Frankenstein didn't mean to kill her and now he lives with what he had done.

Frankenstein(1931) is rated ★★★★★

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It was very sad that it took the world so long to finally release this film from its banned state.It is no wonder why this extraordinary film was selected to the National Film Registry's archive of cinematic treasures.
This film was a huge success at it's initial screening in San Diego, but the movie was so unusual for its time (instead of fictional monsters the film was filled with real-life human oddities) that many found it squeamish and frightening and the studio pulled the film and had it re-edited. The movie found some critical success and was very popular in some cities, but overall the film was critically panned(批評家にこき下ろされる). Critics and many viewers found the sideshow setting of the film, with Siamese twins, armless women, pinheads(頭が異常に小さい人), bearded ladies, dwarves, and a limbless man to be just too unnatural. It was banned in many cities across the U.S. as well as in Britain and Australia and MGM pulled the film from circulation. Fueled by a spirit of rebellion, the movie had a renaissance in the 1960s which continued for over thirty years until the film being added to the National Film Registry by the National Film Preservation Board in 1994. At the time of its initial release, many people found FREAKS horrifying because of the human oddities. Some would argue that we are now too desensitized(鈍感) by all the graphic and horrifying things we've been exposed to over the past two generations to find the film as frightening as it once must have seen. I would like to think it's more because we've become more sensitive and compassionate about all people (of course, a movie like FREAKS would never get made today). Whatever the case, the unusual people in FREAKS aren't disturbing and shocking. With our modern lens, audiences can see beyond the "freaks" and see them as the people they really were (as they movie says, "They are all God's children) and see the movie for the excellent film it is.


Freaks is rated ★★★★★

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Monday, January 23, 2012


A middle aged man walked to the nihonbashi, with the knife stubbed in his chest.
What has ever happened to this man? Why did he go to such a place? This film protagonist Kaga tried to seek the truth behind this murder..

I recieved the free ticket of this movie preview a few days ago.
They say this novel is the best of all ever made regarding Kaga.
But, I do not think so. Akai yubi(赤い指)I watched on TV last year was more impressive .
I put too much of myself into that Akai yubi.
Why? There was no truth defying the viewers prediction, no astounding ending in kirinnotubasa...
Anyway, Abe Hirosi radiated an aura during the movie.

麒麟の翼 is rated ★★★

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Death in venice (ベニスに死す)is so slow, can be shortend to 90 minutes.

This is a beautifully shot yet slowing-moving movie based on the novel. The best part of this movie is the cinematography and settings in Venice. The plot concerns a composer who falls in love with the adolescent Tadzio, who looks like greek sculputure. The film's major fault is its extreme slow pace. The camera moves about lazily and long stretches pass when no one speaks. From time to time, we are given flashbacks of Aushenbach's life in Germany, but they are mere flickers of memory and not fleshed out at all. What we see mostly are shots of Aushenbach walking around Venice in a feverish daze.I have been looking forward to seeing this movie, but the pace dissapointed me a lot.

Sad to say,
The death in venice is rated ★★
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

この映画音楽を聴くと涙が...ひまわり(Sunflower, I Girasoli)

Spoiler alert below!!

Sunflower (Italian: I girasoli) is a 1970 Italian drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica. It was the first occidental(西洋) film to be filmed in the USSR.
Neapolitan lovers', Giovanna (Sophia Loren) and Antonio (Marcello Mastroianni), honeymoon is cut short by Antonio's deployment to the Russian Front during World War II. Antonio does not return when the war is over, and is listed as missing in action. Despite the odds(困難にめげず), Giovanna is convinced her true love has survived the war and is still in Russia. Determined, she journeys to Russia to find him. In Russia, Giovanna visits the sunflower fields, where there is supposedly one flower for each fallen Italian soldier, and where the Germans forced the Italians to dig their own mass graves. Eventually, Giovanna finds Antonio, but by now he has started a second family with a woman who saved his life, and they have one daughter. Herself childless, having been faithful to her newly-wed husband, Giovanna returns to Italy, heartbroken, but unwilling to disrupt her love's new life. Some more years later, Antonio returns to Giovanna, asking her to come back with him to Russia. Meanwhile, Giovanna has tried to move on with her own life, moving out of their first home together and into her own apartment. She has started dating again, has given birth to a baby boy, and is living as a single parent. He explains his new life, how war changes a man, how safe he felt with his new woman after years of death. Unwilling to ruin Antonio's daughter's or her own new son's life, Giovanna refuses to leave Italy, expressing an intense emotional maturity in her choice. As they part, Antonio gives her a fur scarf, something he promised to bring her back years ago. The lovers lock eyes as Antonio's train takes him away from Giovanna, and from Italy, forever.

Sunflower is rated ★★★★★

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

What a nostalgic movie!Cinema Paradiso(ニュー・シネマ・パラダイス)

Awesome music!! (5分ほどあります。よろしければお聴きください)

Sometimes, a film comes along and dazzles audiences with its smooth viewability, if that is a word, brilliant acting, and well crafted plotline. In the case of Cinema Paradiso, we see these elements combined with a stunningly soothing musical score, excellent cinematography, and a combination of comedic, romantic, and dramatic moments.
This film starts in the present, presenting us with the main character, Toto, as a middle aged man, well into his fifties, returning to his hometown to hear his lifetime friend . What follows for the duration of the film allows us to see his childhood, his adolescence, and the way he fights through tumultuous times of love, disaster, and peril.

Cinema Paradiso is rated ★★★★★+

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

ベンジャミン数奇な人生(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

The film may get you out of your chair to hug someone that you love.When faced with adversity BB decided to survive and enjoy life. He experiences everything he possibly can, a lesson all of us could internalize and apply to our lives. There is a lot of death but the movie clearly demonstrates reality, we all are touched by death in our lives and this movie is not afraid to show it.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is rated ★★★★★

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Friday, January 6, 2012

フェデリコ・フェリーニ(Federico Fellini)Otto e mezzo(8 1/2)

Fellini himself said that ,if he had to chose, this would be his best work. Why would he make such a statement?
This is, of course, a film that Fellini made about himself, is his auto-biography at that point of his life. And is a film that everything seems to work correctly: the music, photography, acting and direction of course. In a nutshell, a film that some may not like but can't say anything consistently negative against.The acting is terrific; especially Marcello Mastroianni whose air of detachment(超然、孤立) fit the movie so well. The photography was excellent, as well. The story is one of a director who has lost his own direction. As he stumbles aimlessly along supposedly putting together a film, his inteactions with others and his reminiscences (回想)give us an insight to his confusion. His world is overwhelming him and he can't figure out where to turn.

8 1/2 is rated ★★★★★

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Monday, January 2, 2012

The great escape(大脱走)McQueen's motorcycle scene is great!

McQueen's motorcycle scene is great!

The file didn't get its due(当然得られるもの)when it was released.It is director John Sturges' brilliant film presentation of the absorbing (夢中にさせる)Paul Brickhill Book.It has an amazing cast of Steve McQueen, James Coburn, James Garner, Charles Bronson, and Richard Attenborough. The Germans put together a group of Allied prisoners in one prison camp. They've put "all their rotten eggs in one basket", or so the German commandant says.The Great Escape combines humor, adventure, action and suspense, and yet shows war's tragedy. There are many memorable scenes and magical moments (McQueen's motorcycle jump probably being the most famous and best remembered - although it was actually performed by a double) in this three hour long story of indomitable spirit(不屈の精神), courage and heroism. This is a movie that has stood the test of time, and won't lose its magic or its message with repeated viewing. The Germans may have thought that their POWs were rotten eggs, but you'll sure enjoy watching them try to get out of their basket.

The great escape is rated ★★★★★

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