Thursday, August 4, 2011

映画ガス燈(gas light)でのイングリッドバーグマン(Ingrid Bergman)、シャルルボワイエ(Charles Boyet)の熱演を観た!

Movie reviews

Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyet were amazing. Bergman portrays her character's emotions to

the point that you feel the same way she does. And Boyet is pure evil in this one. Many times

watching this, I was thinking, "He is so terrible to her!" It was so psychological, how everything

eveloped. The best scene in the whole movie took place at the reception, when Gregory tells Paula

he lost his watch, and then finds it in her purse. Then she bursts into tears, and it was so

absolutely amazing how the scene was pulled off(成功する). In fact, it was so subtle it was scary.

You wouldn't expect a missing watch found in her purse to be such a big deal, but it is such a

strong scene.

The one thing I didn't like about this otherwise nearly flawless movie was the climax. It was just

too dull to me, and the only part I really liked was Paula's wicked sarcasm (人を苦しめる嘲り)

towards Gregory while they're in the attic. She truly did deserve the Best Actress Oscar for her

acting, but nothing could mask the fact that the climax was just too weak. If it had a bit of a

touchup(修正、変更), this movie would be perfect.

Bergman begins to lose things, misplace things, and develop a case of kleptomania(盗癖), or at

least that's her husband's explanation. Boyer convinces his wife that she is going insane, that she

is sick, and she becomes little more than a shut-in(ひきこもる). She becomes paranoid, especially

at her maids (the younger of which is played by Angela Lansbury in her first film role). Meanwhile,

Joseph Cotten, a detective, gets an inkling(うすうす感じる) that something is up in that household,

and that it might be related to the aunt's murder. Gaslight is a very atmospheric film. The black and

white cinematography(撮影術) is full of shadows, and there are interesting things going on in the

focus. The music is also quite excellent, and very original. Classical music is also used to great

effect. The plot is great, although maybe a tiny bit predictable (it didn't harm my enjoyment of the

film whatsoever). The performances are top-notch, although Cotten doesn't add much to the

picture. I mean, he's good, but his role perhaps isn't the one the original playwright or the

screenwriters were most interested in. Anyone probably could have done just as well. Bergman's

performances is to be counted amongst her best. Charles Boyer, an actor with whom I am

unfamiliar, is so wicked in the film. You hate him, but you've got to admit it's an effective

performance! And I can't finish without praising Angela Lansbury. Dame May Whitty also has a nice

supporting role, although the role - the comic relief - is sometimes used at a bad time. I don't

think, for instance, she should have come back in during the final sequence. Anyway, little flaws(欠

点) don't detract much from this masterpiece.

This film doesn't really deserve to be called "a classic", because it really shows its age: it may be

technically excellent, but the obvious script and Boyer's overacting (he seems to have "I am BAD"

written all over his face ) are unforgivable by today's standards. "Gaslight" has a few effective

moments, but, as a whole, it doesn't quite click(自分に合う、分かる).

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