Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Awesome movie!!Robert Bressons 「a man escaped」

Short review: What is the lesson from this film? Was it just the true story about how "a man escaped" from a Nazi prison? No, it is a film about human endurance in the face of great adversity.It shows how one man's determination can surmount seemingly impossible odds. Bresson depicts this in a minimalistic (最小主義)manner that uses small events to heighten the dramatic tension. As all of his movies, this one will linger, long after seeing it, in your memory. Robert Bressons unique way of using sound in this film, helps making it one of the most suspenseful films I've ever seen. I can recommend it to anyone who wants something more than "just another film". お金をかけず(!?)とも、これだけの作品が作れるのだ!!

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